2016-12-15 TWTP Demo WIP

Evan is so pretty I love drawing her…

Whatever I’m gonna spoi—post :’D

The demo will be the prologue, and here’s something about the following chapters!
Guess what will happen 😀
(↓about demo and progress)

The drawings are included in the Extra but I just wanna post these…I enjoyed so much drawing them!
About the game, at least the demo is not horror, not puzzle, still has a bit darkness and blood, yet overall it’s very easy and casual with a lot of talking and clicking. There’ll be some jumpy moments in the complete game though.
Anyway I really hope you’ll like it…!

And the music is reaaally amazing. Trust me. @zephysonas has made such great soundtracks and lovely sound effects. They’re magical.
The demo will probably be finished around new year, hopefully 😀

I translated 4400+ words in less than 20 hours…
    #slept 4 hours
    #because I was too hungry to sleep in the morning…
    #the demo is almost there!

I’m trying to finish the work asap so that I may still have time to draw something for Xmas (which I’ve been planning for a while)…
Should (can?) witches and vampire and cursed humans celebrate Xmas?😂😂
I hope Rich won’t melt in the Christmas choir songs XD

I think the demo (and maybe green light!) can be released before new year><
    #kinda exhausted…

The demo is finished!!
It’ll be ready after testing and proofreading! I probably can finally take a break now…
Tho I still need to make the trailer for greenlight…
Keep an eye on the update! 😀

Cut lines!

It’s done!
Now I’ll need to make the trailer video & then release it with Greenlight.
Give me two more days!…

    #exhausted and excited