2016-09-26 the scary part.

“Congrats for completing stuff!!”

Thank you!!
There’s still a bit of final work but hopefully I can finish & upload everything tomorrow, then it’s done! (So that I can work on the tea party project…which has been on an unexpected long hiatus ;w;)

To be honest the idea of people might play the game is kinda scary for me X’D (I’m always happy when making stuff, but once I think about it, it scares me lol) I’m so bad at advertising & generally communicate with people so I’m REALLY grateful you (and all of you) staying around.

Let’s celebrate autumn😄🍂🎃✨🎉

I…I think I clicked “Release NOW” accidently…….

I…Idk what to say……
Have fun X’DDD

i’m very lost…a little doodle to reduce my anxiety haha_(:з」∠)_
a smol witch.
i’ve been wanting to draw broomsticks but never got a chance…

Art book released!

Everything is there on steam!!
If anyone is going to buy it, please try the store and tell me if it can be purchased and downloaded successfully?!?!
Many thanks…!!!
Store page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/520360/

    #I’m terrible at building steam things!!
    #I’m terrified too

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