2016-08-29 Soon it’ll be Trick&Treat time again!

Soon it’ll be Trick&Treat time again!

    “Yes! That’s my favourite time of the year!”
    “And I’m looking forward to the costumes…”
    “And the candy!” 😀

    Thank you! I’m so happy someone still remembers the game haha. Actually I’m going to release it on Steam on the last day of September, if everything goes on well.
    And I’m planning…oh I’ll say it, I’m making an art book as dlc, which contains art, details of the game, and some comments from me :’D I’m kinda frustrated arranging the pages and writing more about the characters & the game, so it’s very encouraging to see the ask!
    I hope you think it’s a good idea & hope you’ll like it.

    Yes soon it’ll be Trick & Treat time again!^^